
Discover | 4-7 Wochen | Amerikas
Mona Stollberger, Bolivien
Mona Stollberger, Bolivien

Bolivien ist ein Land im Zentralraum Südamerikas mit der größten Stadt La Paz (die offizielle Hauptstadt ist Sucre). 61 % der Bevölkerung Boliviens spricht Spanisch, 21 % die Sprachen Quechua, Aymara und andere indigene Sprachen. La Paz hat 1,6 Mio. Einwohner und ist die höchstgelegene Verwaltungshauptstadt weltweit: Sie liegt über 3.500 m über dem Meeresspiegel. Intercambio Cultural Internacional de Jóvenes (ICIJ) – ICYE Bolivia – wurde 1964 mit Hauptsitz in La Paz und Regionalstellen in Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre und Tarija gegründet.

  • Programmdauer: 4-7 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag: 4 Wochen € 1185,-; jede weitere Woche € 90,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Ankunftstermin frei wählbar
  • Anmeldung: mind. 2-3 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Sektorprofil Bolivien (Bildung)

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und Inklusion mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Unterrichten und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus ärmeren Gegenden, mit und ohne Behinderung, an Schulen.
Anika Gassner, Bolivien
Anika Gassner, Bolivien
  • Gesundheit: Unterstützung bei der medizinischen Aufklärungsarbeit, Mithilfe an Rehabilitationszentren sowie bei Einrichtungen zur Drogenbekämpfung.
Bernadette Samm, Bolivien
Bernadette Samm, Bolivien
  • Soziales und Arbeit mit Minderheiten: Ein großer Tätigkeitsbereich in Bolivien ist die Arbeit mit verschiedenen benachteiligten Gruppen wie z.B. der indigenen Bevölkerung (v.a. Frauen), die Unterstützung Obdachloser, LGTB usw. Es gibt weitere Projekte im Bereich Menschenrechte sowie Frauen.
Soziales, Bolivien
Soziales, Bolivien

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Discover Bolivien – Soziales, Community und Kultur: Educar es fiesta

Anika Gassner, Bolivien
Anika Gassner, Bolivien

The Creative Arts Center „Educar es Fiesta“ is an educational and artistic non-profit organization, which supports educational processes and the development of the artistic potential of children and adolescents living in suburban areas of the city of Cochabamba, including arts training school, a culture house stock and a circus-theatre.

The main activities of “Educar es Fiesta” are focused on the areas of circus, theatre, music and dance, helping young people between 5 and 18 years and involving families, schools, major actors in the community and state public institutions. This activities are developed on 4 main areas:
  • Community Culture Houses: The houses are spaces of fraternal, friendly coexistence aimed for children, adolescents and young people to live a dignifed life without violence, developing their artistic and creative potential.
  • Friendly Schools, Schools without fears: Work is done both with students though the presentation of plays in schools and with teachers and educators through the design, exploration and implementation of concrete changes in human relationships in schools.
  • Integrated Arts Centre TAPEQUE: counts with a Circus School for children and teens. Murga as musical expression that fuses dance, drums and voice messages expressing and feeling rebellious teenagers and young against a violent and exclusionary system. Cultural management area to the promotion and dissemination of own shows.
  • Dreams & Arts on Wheels: they participate in caravans, marches, campaigns, fairs, walks with the purpose of generating social participation through itinerant art and to raise awareness about the subject and problems of children.

Volunteer tasks:

Areas of work are:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Children and Youth
  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties
  • Addiction and Substance Abuse
  • Sports, Recreation and Leisure.

Volunteering skills/requirments:

The volunteer should:
  • have training in social science, education, communication, social work, psychology, social marketing or related branches.
  • be able  to work as a team with wide open debates and conversations.
  • demonstrate compliance and accountability in the development of the planned activities.
  • demonstrate engagement and commitment.
  • have a positive attitude and good relationships with the people and the work team.

Special requirements:

  • intermediate/advanced Spanish
  • some atistic vocation 
  • work-related knowledge with children/teenagers
  • commitments of at least 3 months.

Location: Cochabamba

Hosting situation: The volunteer will live with a host family.


Discover Bolivien – Bildung und Inklusion für Kinder und Jugendliche: Centro Educativo Multifuncional Villa Armonía

Discover, Bolivien
Experience, Bolivien

This project aims to improve the conditions of live of the Quechua people that have migrated to the north zone of the city. The project aims to strengthen the basic pillars for the population’s development through the implementation of integral programs on the lines of education, health and social support based on respect and responsibility.

Volunteer tasks: Assisting the personnel in different tasks; providing school support to the children and teenagers; taking consideration of the importance of health care and education. Helping the children with school support as well in the library. Helping the personnel in the school in carpentry lessons, craft work, nursing, and childcare or in the bakery (bread is sold in the centre). Creating and organizing activities in the juvenile centers

Volunteer requirements/Skills:

The volunteer should have skills in:
  • Spanish
  • education or pedagogy
  • sports
  • handicraft
  • carpentry
  • bakery
  • nursing
  • childr care
  • team work

Location: Sucre

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.

Host situation (board and lodging): Host family or in the project

ICYE Bolivien bietet ca. 10 Einsatzstellen für Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der