Costa Rica

Discover | 3-7 Wochen | Amerikas
Simon Wagner, Costa Rica
Simon Wagner, Costa Rica

Costa Rica grenzt im Norden an Nicaragua, im Süden an Panama. Im Westen bildet der Pazifik die Grenze, im Osten der Atlantik. Das Land lässt sich zu relativ gleich großen Teilen in Gebirge, Hügelland und Tiefebenen unterteilen. Die pazifische und die atlantische Tiefebene sind durch das zentrale Bergland getrennt. Die Hauptstadt Costa Ricas ist San José. Seine Einwohnerzahl liegt bei ca. 4,9 Mio., Amtssprache ist Spanisch. Grenzenlos arbeitet mit zwei Partnerorganisationen in Costa Rica zusammen: Asociación Cultural de Intercambio de Costa Rica (ICYE Costa Rica) und “The Green Lion” Costa Rica.

  • Programmdauer: 3-7 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag ICYE Costa Rica: Die Projekte in Costa Rica für 4 bis 8 Wochen findest Du unter Öko-/ Social-Costa Rica (Spezielle Programme): Öko-Costa Rica/Social-Costa Rica
  • Teilnahmebeitrag The Green Lion Costa Rica: 3 Projektwochen ab € 1315,-; je weitere Woche ab € 315,-
  • Anreiseinfos: ICYE Costa Rica: Ankunftstermin frei wählbar; The Green Lion Costa Rica: immer sonntags
  • Anmeldung: mind. 1-2 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Costa Rica

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und Soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Unterrichten an Schulen (Englisch, Sport, Kunst u.a.), Lehrer_innen assistieren, Mithilfe beim Kochen an Schulen.
Bildung, Costa Rica
Bildung, Costa Rica
  • Umwelt- und Tierschutz sowie Landwirtschaft: Hilf mit bei an Instandhaltungsarbeiten in Naturschutzgebieten, arbeite direkt mit Tieren (Schildkröten, Meereslebewesen, Seevögeln, Reptilien, Schmetterlingen, anderen Insekten usw.) oder beteilige Dich an unserem Landwirtschafts- und Lebensmittelprojekt und leiste einen Beitrag zum Anbau und der Weiterverarbeitung der örtlichen Produkte.
Umweltschutz, Costa Rica
Umweltschutz, Costa Rica
  • Bauen und Renovieren: Hilf der Gemeinde Esparza bei der Fortführung ihrer Bau- und Gartenprojekte.
Bau und Renovieren, Costa Rica
Bau und Renovieren, Costa Rica
  • Soziales und Inklusion: Mithilfe in einem Senior_innenheim: Unterstütze Senior_innen in ihrem Alltag, leiste ihnen Gesellschaft und organisiere Aktivitäten mit ihnen.
David Schenk, Costa Rica
David Schenk, Costa Rica

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Discover Costa Rica – Unterrichten und Tierschutz (The Green Lion Costa Rica)

Meerebiologie, Costa Rica
Meerebiologie, Costa Rica

Farming Placement: Assist local farmers with livestock (mainly horses, cattle, fowl), and with crops (mainly coffee, avocado, some cacao). This placement is a true experience, where you will be immersed in rural life, perhaps assisting with bio gardening projects, horse training, fish farming, or attending cattle sales or horse shows, depending on what is going on at the time.

  • 3 Projektwochen € 1441,-
  • je weitere Woche € 378,-
  • Location: Esparza
  • Accommodation: The two houses sleep up to 22 people. Most rooms have bunk beds and are shared on a single gender. One room in each house has a bunk bed with a double bed below, single above, suitable for couples or small families, if needed. (Private rooms can be obtained at additional cost; this must be arranged before arriving for your program).

Marine Park and Animal Rescue: Get involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of sea birds, mammals, and reptiles, including rare marine animals, before they are released to the wild. You will also work behind the scenes in the aquarium, cleaning and feeding animals, including docile sharks & sea turtles. You will get closer to rare marine animals than most people ever do. Not many people can say that they have cleaned a shark!

  • 3 Projektwochen € 1441,-
  • je weitere Woche € 378,-
  • Ort: Esparza
  • Accommodation: The two houses sleep up to 22 people. Most rooms have bunk beds and are shared on a single gender. One room in each house has a bunk bed with a double bed below, single above, suitable for couples or small families, if needed. (Private rooms can be obtained at additional cost; this must be arranged before arriving for your program).

Es gibt 7 weitere Einsatzstellen von The Green Lion Costa Rica: ein Projekt im Bereich Sport, ein Bau- und Renovierungsprojekt, Englisch Unterrichten, Kinderbetreuung sowie weitere Tierschutzprojekte.

Discover Costa Rica – Arbeit mit Senior_innen und Tierschutz (ICYE Costa Rica)

Severin Stefan, Costa Rica
Severin Stefan, Costa Rica

Hogar de Ancianos Carlos Maria Ulloa: The aim of these homes is to provide the elderly with a place for recreation and special attention. Some of these centers take care of the elderly during the day until the evening, while others provide the residents with a place to live during the whole year. Hogar de Ancianos Carlos Maria Ulloa is the most important home for elderly people in the central area of Costa Rica. It provides a home to elderly people who don’t have a family or if their relatives don’t want to take care of them. They provide and organize exercises and different activities like workshops: sewing, cooking, handcrafts and painting for the residents.

Location: San José

Volunteer tasks: To accompany the residents and to share with them. To take part in or to organize activities, such as exercises or workshops (sewing, cooking, handicraft, etc.). To help with the cleaning, cooking and during the meals. To assist in physiotherapy and medical care.

Volunteer requirements: intermediate Spanish level, patience, tolerance, independence and will to work with elderly

Jardín de Mariposas Spirogyra: The Jardin de Mariposas Spirogyra is located just 10 min. out of the center of San José, the capital of Costa Rica, and is the last bit of forest in the metropolitan area: a little tropical paradise in the city center. Our neighbor ship with the Zoo Simon Bolívar makes our project even more interesting since both of us are located on the shore of the Torres river, where there is still a little bit of forest which works as a natural air filter and produces oxygen. It is also a shelter for a large number of little mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, and, of course, butterflies. In fact, the Valle Central is known to be a place where different species of butterflies live together, even though they are found in different, specific parts of the country: This is why on our 350 m2 farm, visitors can see several of Costa Rica’s most beautiful species of butterflies and observe them in every state of their lives.

Location: San José

Volunteer tasks: Depending on the volunteer’s preferences, different tasks can be given, for example:

  • Gardening tasks: weed and cut the plants, maintain the compost, clean the benches in the garden, make sure the larvas have enough food, maintain the feeding spots for the butterflies, watch out for the safety of the turtles, take care of the waterfall and the orchids, etc.
  • Guide’s tasks: Hold the information speeches for tourists and visitors about the environment and the importance of butterflies in our ecosystem; maintain the farm and the feeding spots of butterflies, turtles and hummingbirds in a good state, etc.
  • Lab tasks: Keep it clean and organized, collect the plants to feed the larvas, clean the drawers with water and chlorine, keep the materials in their respective spots, etc.

Volunteer requirements: Interest in nature and the environment. Bring appropriate clothing (boots, poncho, etc.).

Volunteer’s working time (both projects): Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week. 

Host situation, board and lodging (both projects): Host family

  • € 685,- Grenzenlos-Programmgebühr (einmalig) plus
  • die Programmgebühr der Partnerorganisation: $ 450,- (4 Wochen); $ 850,- (8 Wochen); $ 1250,- (12 Wochen)