Honduras ist mit einer Fläche von 112 090 km² etwa so groß wie Österreich und die Schweiz zusammen und hat eine Bevölkerungszahl von etwa 8,9 Mio. Das Land befindet sich im Zentrum Mittelamerikas, die Hauptstadt ist Tegucigalpa. ICYE Honduras wurde 1981 gegründet. Die Organisation in Tegucigalpa wird von vier Angestellten betreut.
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Discover Honduras – Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderungen: Olimpiadas Especiales Honduras (OEH)
Olimpiadas Especiales Honduras (OEH) belongs to the international network of Special Olympics International. OEH is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 dedicated to providing sports training and athletic competition throughout the year in a variety of sports of Olympic style, to children, youth and adults that have an intellectual and/or physical disability such as Down Syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy. The main aims of OEH are to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, and that people with disabilities have the opportunity to be useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected. OEH has had important participation in international games, winning more than 500 awards in all the competitions since its creation. Enthusiasm, the willingness to surpass oneself and the constant training have made it possible that the Honduran athletes stand out nationally and internationally, which, although obtaining a medal or rosette is not OEH’s main objective, gives joy to the athletes and makes them want to exert themselves even more (www.olimpiadasespecialeshn.org). Location: Tegucigalpa
Volunteer tasks: Generally, the volunteer will work from Monday to Friday, agreeing to a full-time schedule with OEH. The main role of the volunteer will be as an assistant to a sports educator, training the athletes in different sports, such as swimming, athletics, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, football, volleyball, and floor hockey, among others.
IMPORTANT: Many tasks that the volunteer will carry out take place outdoors where you can find yourself exposed to the sun for long periods of time. For this reason, it’s important that the volunteer does not have any skin problems or allergies to sun exposure. If the volunteer wants to get involved in water sports, remember to bring swimwear.
Volunteer requirements/Skills: The volunteer must really like sport, but he/she must not have prior experience in sports. The volunteer must like to be outdoors.
Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.
Host situation (board and lodging): Host family
Discover Ecuador – Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche: Fundación AMBOS Sabanagrande
“Fundación AMBOS Sabanagrande” is a non-profit center located in the rural community of Sabanagrande, with the aims to provide a non-formal education and nutritional and basic health assistance to impoverished children of the community. The center is supported by the organization “ATUTO” with the sales of different handicrafts done by local artisans. Main activities are: Perform leisure and after-school activities, promote non-formal education: to offer tutoring lessons of various subjects (i.e. Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English, etc.), to provide to the children basic school materials (i.e. notebooks, pencils, crayons, etc.), to supply basic food, improving the children’s nutrition, and to pay attention to the health of each child and assess their overall health together with their families.
Location: Sabanagrande
Volunteers tasks: Do different sports and leisure activities with the children, promoting non-formal education, play and interact with the children. Create different handicrafts and teach them to the children. Support the staff members with different logistical work (i.e. organizing the children, cleaning the center’s facilities, providing school materials and food to the children, etc.). Give basic computer and/or English lessons to the children. Pay attention to the health of each child and assess their overall health together with their families.
Volunteer requirements/Skills: It is very important that the volunteer is interested in working with children. To be respectful, flexible, sensitive, social, patient, creative and mature.
Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.
Host situation (board and lodging): Host family
ICYE Honduras bietet 13 Einsatzstellen für Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der