
Discover | 3-7 Wochen | Amerikas
Christine Leuthner, Peru
Christine Leuthner, Peru

Peru befindet sich im westlichen Teil Südamerikas und ist 1 285 216 km² groß. Das Land ist damit flächenmäßig nach Brasilien und Argentinien das drittgrößte Land in Südamerika. Es besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Landschaften, von Bergen und Stränden bis hin zu Wüsten und Regenwäldern. Die meisten Menschen leben an der Küste des Pazifischen Ozeans, wo sich auch die Hauptstadt Lima befindet. Die Hauptstadt ist Lima. In Peru lernst Du Spanisch. Weitere Amtssprachen sind Quechua und Aymara.

  • Programmdauer: 3-7 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag: 4 Wochen € 1055,-; je weitere Woche €75,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Flexible Abholzeiten, aber Abholungen zwischen 22:00 Uhr und 6:00 Uhr sollten eine Woche vor der Ankunft angemeldet werden.
  • Anmeldung: mind. 1-2 Monate vor Abreise

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und Soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/ Jugendlichen: Unterrichten (Englisch, Sport, weitere Sprachen u.a.) und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen an Schulen.
Bildung, Peru
Bildung, Peru
  • Soziales und Inklusion: Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit und ohne Behinderung sowie Arbeit in einem Senior_innenheim.
Soziales, Peru
Soziales, Peru

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Discover Peru – Soziales und Inklusion: Splendor Home Center

City view
TGL, Peru

Splendor Home is a place that hosts Elders (dependent and/or independent). The beneficiaries will be provided with a safe environment that aims to allow them to enjoy activities and spaces with people with the same age and situation. Most of the beneficiaries were abandoned by their families due to lack of resources or because they are ill.

Some of the main activities include:
  • Provide meals every day
  • recreational activities
  • accompaniment in the house and outside the house
  • health assistance

Volunteer requirements/skills: Some health and caring knowledge. 

Volunteer tasks: The volunteer will help doing different tasks, most of the time the volunteer will assist the staff (this means that they will help the health, administrative and home staff). The activities will differ from Helping to prepare the food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to accompany the elders to do their activities. They will also have to prepare workshops (morning and evening) for the beneficiaries.

Location: Los Olivos, Lima-Peru. The Splendor home is located in an urban middle low income neighborhood, in the north side of lima.

Host situation (Board and Lodging): Host family.

Discover Peru – Bildung und Soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: La compañia

Kinder, Peru
Kinderprojekt, Peru

The aims of the project are to offer educational and recreational workshops to the children and teenagers that are hospitalized or that are in the intensive care unit. The principal aim is to help children to keep studying, smiling and keep learning.

La Compañia is carrying educational workshops to the children that are in the hospital, as well, they are preparing workshops so the children can participate of Recreational activities while staying in there.

Volunteer requirments/skills: The volunteer must be at least 18 years old. The volunteer should be open to work with different cultures as the hospital has children from different backgrounds.  It is important thet that the volunteer is able to comply with bio security measures. 

Volunteer tasks: The volunteers will work directly with the children, medical team, nurses, families and local team. After a training, the volunteer will carry out his or her own workshops with 6 to 12 children.

Location: Jesus Maria, Lima – Peru. The project is located in a rural area, in one of the districts of the center of Lima. 

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging): Host Family. 

ICYE Peru bietet ca. 8 Einsatzstellen für Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der