Brasilien ist mit einer Fläche von 8,516,000 km² das größte Land Südamerikas. Die Hauptstadt ist Brasilia, Amtssprache ist Portugiesisch. Brasilien ist mit 220 Mio. Einwohner:innen der flächen- und bevölkerungsmäßig fünftgrößte Staat der Welt. Die Einsatzstellen von ICYE liegen v.a. im Süden Brasiliens, in Porto Alegre (eine ist auch in Rio de Janeiro). ICYE Brasilien – Associação Brasileira de Intercâmbio Cultural – mit Sitz in Porto Alegre, wurde 1987 als NGO gegründet.
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Experience Brasilien - Bildung/Kinder: Fundação Casemiro Bruno Kurtz
Associação Fundação Casemiro Bruno Kurtz, a charity project, is part of the YMCA organization and since its foundation in 1976, it has seeked to offer a program focused on human, cultural and social development education for children, young people and families from the local community.
Volunteer tasks: To get to know the project, the volunteers will initially be asked to assist and participate in all the different areas: sports, recreational, pedagogical and artistic area. Later, according to the volunteer’s experiences, skills and project’s needs, the volunteer will be able to choose to help in some workshops and activities, such as street dancing, sport, music, capoeira, theatre and corporal expression, informatics, pedagogical activities, art and painting, ecological workshops etc. The volunteer will have the possibility to organize some personal workshops or activities as well, for example previous volunteers organized origami workshops, baseball, visit to local parks etc.
Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.
Experience Brasilien – Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche: Intergração dos Anjos
Intergração dos Anjos is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 aimed to the development of the children from needy communities. It works as an informal and complementary educational environment that stimulates the kids to develop abilities and skills, providing them support and assistance. The project receives 60 to 80 children from 6 to 15 years old, divided in two big age groups (6 to 9 and 10 to 15 years old): in these groups, the educators promote pedagogical and recreational activities; there are also moments in which the kids go to play football on a field nearby. The children who study at school during the morning stay in the project during the afternoon and vice versa and are all from some needy communities close to the project. The volunteers will participate in the educational activities and sports, helping the educators. It would be interesting if he/she likes football, as it is the favorite sport that the children always want to play. Any workshop he/she can promote is welcome, if according to the project needy and if the resources are available. The project is looking for some volunteers who can do one or more workshop among: Building and playing with recycling material, music and percussion, games (inside or outside) and sport, dance and theatre.
Location: The project is located in Porto Alegre.
The volunteer should: be open minded, have high motivation and commitment, be pro-active, dynamic and creative, and have sport abilities.
Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.
Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging): The volunteers stay with Brazilian host families.
ICYE Brasilien bietet 6 Einsatzstellen für Mittelzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der