
Experience | 8-16 Wochen | Amerikas
Siegrid Warmuth, Ecuador
Siegrid Warmuth, Ecuador

Volunteer-Programme be­nö­tigen eine funktionie­rende, stabile Bürostruktur und eine ko­or­dinierte internationale Zu­sam­men­arbeit, um Deine Sicherheit zu gewährleisten und einen sinn­vollen Aus­lands­­aufenthalt zu organisie­ren. Für all das fallen neben den Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung auch admini­strative Kosten an.

  • Programmdauer: 8-16 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag (auch für 50 Plus): 8 Wochen € 1685,-; je weitere Woche € 125,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Keine Abholung bei Ankunft an Freitagen, Samstagen oder Sonntagen oder nach 23 Uhr
  • Anmeldung: mind. 2-3 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Ecuador

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Unterrichten (Englisch, Sport, andere Sprachen u.a.) und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen an Schulen.
Katharina Berger, Ecuador
Katharina Berger, Ecuador
  • Umwelt- und Tierschutz: Biologische Landwirtschaft („organic farms“), Gartenarbeit, Landwirtschaft und Arbeit an einer Einrichtung für Tiere (Animal Refugee Center).
Leonie Hochleitner, Ecuador
Leonie Hochleitner, Ecuador
  • Soziales und Inklusion: Arbeit in Frauenprojekten oder Projekten im Bereich Menschenrechte, Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit und ohne Behinderung.
Discover, Ecuador
Experience, Ecuador
  • Community, Sport, Kultur, Kunst und NGOs: Unterstützung von NGOs bei der Förderung von Programmen, beim Veranstaltungsmanagement und bei anderen administrativen Aufgaben.
A group of people holding flags of different countries
Experience, Ecuador

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Experience Ecuador – Women Empowerment: Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promoción y Acción de la Mujer

Maria Reichel, Ecuador
Maria Reichel, Ecuador

The CEPAM aims to improve womens’ social situation and quality of life, as well as contribute to the development of principles and policies that promote equal opportunities for women in the social, political, and economic spheres. CEPAM is a self-sustainable institution, specialized in defending human rights of diverse women through the different stages of their lives. CEPAM is a model organization in the development of methodologies and work practices. Our services include training activities in gender themes, prevention of violence, empowerment and employability, legal services, psychological services/crisis intervention and social services.

Location: Quito

Volunteer tasks (tasks divided in the group of volunteers): the volunteer is expected to share CEPAM’s activities through social media, help develop /update the webpage, train CEPAM team members in use of social media, update /review Facebook page, design social media campaigns for: fundraising, volunteering, and for specific themes including gender violence, femicide, working with youth, create English content for website., develop information, content and project profiles for potential donors, assist CEPAM in developing new sources of cooperation, translate documents (Spanish/English).

Volunteer requirements / Skills: Volunteers should be interested in and adhere to principles of gender equality /social inclusion. Spanish proficiency is preferable.

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.

Host situation (board and lodging): Host family

Experience Ecuador – Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche: Programa Inclusivo Multicultural Originario Kañari "PRIMOK S.A.S"

Christine Kettenbach, Ecuador
Christine Kettenbach, Ecuador
The program is focused on teaching the English language to children and young people of the Cañar city and its communities, the teachers have been foreigners who speak this language fluently.

Location: Cañar, Andean region (south).

Volunteer tasks: To teach English to children from 6 years old to 17 years old from the Cañar canton and its rural communities. They will teach together with another teacher from Cañar who is fluent in Spanish and English. In addition, they must attend training or workshops held by the program’s teachers. Conversation clubs (Spanish and English) are also held on Wednesdays and Fridays. In order for the children and youth to learn English properly, it is necessary to plan each of the classes, create activities, dynamics, games, didactic material, projects, online material, conversations, videos, audios, dialogues, readings, and lesson plans prior to each day of classes.

Volunteer requirements/skills: It is essential that the volunteer speaks English fluently, it is not necessary to have experience because inside the classroom there will be another teacher from the Cañar canton. It is important that the volunteer has a passion for teaching, is an extrovert, likes to spend time with children and young people and has a vocation to serve and help society.

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week. 

Host situation (board and lodging): Host family

ICYE Ecuador bietet ca. 25 Einsatzstellen für Mittelzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der