
Discover, Argentinien
Discover, Argentinien

Argentinien ist ein riesiges Land im südlichen Teil Südamerikas. Es ist das achtgrößte Land der Welt und nach Brasilien das zweitgrößte Land in Südamerika. Argentinien wird im Westen von den Anden und von Chile begrenzt. Die Stadt Buenos Aires ist die Hauptstadt der Argentinischen Republik. Die Bevölkerung Argentiniens beträgt derzeit 46 Mio. Einwohner. Die offizielle Sprache des Landes ist Spanisch, das von fast allen Argentiniern gesprochen wird.


  • Programmdauer: 8-16 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag: 8 Wochen € 1805,-; je weitere Woche € 150,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Ankunftstag freiwählbar. Abholung zwischen 22 und 6 Uhr nur auf Anfrage
  • Zusätzliche Infos: Spanisch-Unterricht kann extra gebucht werden
  • Anmeldung: mind. 1-2 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Argentinien

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Unterrichten und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen an Schulen.
Chiara Gruchmann, Argentinien, Kindergarten
Chiara Gruchmann, Argentinien
  • Community, Sport, Kultur, Kunst und NGOs: Unterstützung von NGOs bei der Förderung von Programmen, beim Veranstaltungsmanagement, bei der Entwicklung neuer Methoden und bei anderen administrativen Aufgaben.
Dressed for a carnival people
Paula Kriha, Argentinien
  • Umweltschutz und Landwirtschaft: Pflege, Betreuung und Versorgung des Kulturraums mit Garten.
A woman with a dog
TGL, Argentinien
  • Gesundheit: Unterstützung bei Aufklärungsmaßnahmen und Assistenz in Kliniken/Krankenhäusern.
TGL, Argentinien

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Discover Argentinien – Community und Kultur: UNLA Cultura

TGL, Argentinien

The primary mission of UNLa is to contribute through the production and distribution of knowledge and scientific-technological innovations to the economic, social and cultural development of the region, improving its quality of life.

We organize medium and long-term volunteer opportunities, intercultural workshops and activities with volunteers. The SES foundation works in three main areas: education, work and participation youth.

Location: The National University of Lanús (UNLa) is an Argentine public university founded on June 4, 1995 with headquarters in the Buenos Aires town of Remedios de Escalada, in the Lanús district. Its campus is located on the border of the districts of Lanús and Lomas de Zamora.

Volunteer tasks:

  • Volunteers will have meetings every week to discuss some topics and better understand their social interventions as volunteers. As well as to better understand the social, historical, political and economic of Argentina
  • There are activities organized by volunteers to have exchanges, such as festivals, workshops at school, etc.

Volunteer requirements /skills:

  • Intermediate level of Spanish
  • Initiative to propose activities independently
  • Interest in knowing NGOs and social programs in Argentina
  • Sensitivity to social and economic problems
  • Flexibility to adapt to the structures of organizations and the way of working in Latin America
  • Teamwork
  • Creative and motivated person
  • Interest in the development of young people

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.  

Host situation (board and lodging): Volunteers are received in our volunteer house, located in the City of Buenos Aires. They usually take their lunch at the project.

It is important to be flexible in eating local food. For the rest of the meals, you will have what is necessary to cook in our house. Get ready to live in a community environment!

Discover Argentinien – NGO-Arbeit: Oficina Fundación SES - Subir al Sur

Subir al Sur, Argentinien
Subir al Sur, Argentinien

The SES Foundation through Subir al Sur program promotes volunteer service as non-formal intercultural education and it also encourages education for peace by facilitating the encounter of people from different regions across the world for solidarity purposes. They organize mid-long term and short-term volunteer opportunities, intercultural workshops and other activities with volunteers. The SES foundation works in three main areas: education, work and youth empowerment.

Location: Buenos Aires.

Volunteer tasks: Volunteers will cooperate with our daily activities in terms of promoting international volunteer service in Argentina and the world. The areas in which the volunteer will work are:

  • Communication: Re-design of the website. Making materials to promote our projects in Argentina and in the world, social networks, etc.
  • Fundraising: Search projects and funds, Organize events, Donations.
  • Semana de la Juventud: Help in the organization of the event in different areas.
  • Methodology and Education: Collaborate in developing the methodology of youth encounters.
  • Events: Organizing events to exchange with locals and promote volunteer activities.

Volunteer requirements/Skills: flexibility, motivation, teamwork, creativity and independence

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week. 

Host situation (board and lodging): Volunteers are hosted in the intercultural volunteer house or a hostel.

ICYE Argentinien bietet ca. 8 Einsatzstellen für Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der