Tansania liegt in Ostafrika und hat eine Fläche von 945 087 km². Die Hauptstadt ist Dodoma, die größte Stadt (und der Regierungssitz) Daressalam. Die Einwohnerzahl liegt bei ca. 64 Mio., davon leben ca. 3,6 Mio. in Daressalam. Amtssprache ist Swahili, Du wirst Dich aber auf English gut verständigen können. Die Partnerorganisationen für Grenzenlos ist United Planet Tanzania (ICYE Tansania)
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Discover Tansania – Umweltprojekt: Tengeneza Generation
TEG’s mission is to build sustainable projects and engage with local young people in the active participation of project upkeep. Currently, the organization has three programs and all of them are operating in participatory manner whereby community get a chance to be a major stakeholders:
- ‘Tupendane’ is a Swahili word which means ‘let’s love one another’. A program aimed to fundraise and raise awareness of discrimination against people with disabilities.
- ‘Mimi Na Mazingira’, which means I and Environment, is an ongoing project that aims to support the environmental conservation and protection initiatives. Through this program, TEG launched a project called ‘Ecotourism development for adaptation to climate change effects and biodiversity conservation in Uluguru nature forest reserve -Morogoro Municipality.The project engage with wider ecotourism service providers including Art and culture groups, women groups, environmental groups, farmers group, youth who support tour guides and logistics like bodaboda (motorcycle riders), and elders.
Location: Morogoro is approximately 5 hours from Dar es Salaam. It is a mountainous area with a colder climate compared to Dar es Salaam. Morogoro is quite small, however it has a very lively nightlife with plenty of bars and clubs. Mikumi National Park is just nearby and can be accessed in an hour.
Host situation: volunteers can stay within the project or with a host family. The host house provides 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch & dinner).
Discover Tansania – Grundschulbildung: Grace Primary School
Grace Primary School is a private facility that offers classes for grades 1 to 7. The school has a population of 465 kids who come from families in the surrounding neighborhoods and beyond. Students from age 3 to 12 study a variety of subjects, including Swahili, English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Ethics, Vocational Skills, Sports and ICTs. All classes are taught in English. The project is located in Sinza, Daressalam.
Volunteer requirements/Skills: Supporting the local teachers with English and other subjects such as Math, Science and ICTs; working in the nursery to look after the younger kids. Volunteers can also stay after school hours to assist the students who are struggling the most with English and other subjects.
Volunteer’s working time: From 7:00 to 3:00 p.m. Working hours are between 30 and 40 hours a week.
Location: Sinza -Dar Es Salaam. Sinzais a very lively area, with plenty of bars and clubs. Young Tanzanians love to go out in this area during the weekend.
Host situation (board and lodging): Host family
ICYE Tansania bietet ca. 10 Einsatzstellen für Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen
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