
Experience | 8-16 Wochen | Afrika
Sarah Barta, Ghana
Sarah Barta, Ghana

Ghana befindet sich in Westafrika und die Hauptstadt ist Accra. Die Einwohnerzahl liegt bei ca. 33 Mio., davon leben ca. 2,1 Mio. in Accra. In Ghana wird v.a. Englisch und Twi gesprochen. Du wirst Dich gut auf Englisch verständigen können, aber ein bisschen Twi zu lernen wird auch sehr wichtig sein. ICYE Ghana wurde 1978 gegründet. Der Hauptsitz der Partnerorganisation befindet sich in Accra.

  • Programmdauer: 8-16 Wochen
  • Teilnahmebeitrag (auch für 50 Plus-Experience): 8 Wochen € 1445,-; je weitere Woche € 75,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Anreisetermin ist frei wählbar. Zusätzliche Infos: keine Abholung bei Ankunft an Freitagen, Samstagen oder Sonntagen und nach 23 Uhr
  • Anmeldung: mind. 2-3 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Ghana

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Englisch, Sport und andere Schulfächer an öffentlichen Schulen unterrichten und mit Kindern und Jugendlichen die Freizeit gestalten. Es gibt 1-2 Waisenheime, wo Kinder und Jugendliche (mit und ohne Behinderung) betreut werden.
Eva Schernthaner, Ghana
Eva Schernthaner, Ghana

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Experience Ghana – John William Montessori School

Manuel Broukal, Ghana
Manuel Broukal, Ghana
John William Montessori School was founded by two strong couples in their home town at Tanoso, Kumasi with help of their their children William and Kachina Randall.

They got inspired by her late American adopted mother, Muriel KingTaylor, who shared her desire to do something for the children of Ghana, offered them the chance of a good education. The school’s mission is to provide a place where children can struggle gracefully without physical or emotional harm. It is also a place where children can rejoice and have fun together. The aim is to provide excellence in education and support to all children at the school so that they can learn, develop a strong pride, work hard, and lead good lives through academic achievement and responsible citizenship. This was their goal for the children and their country Ghana.

Volunteer’s Task: Assist in teaching (e.g. ICT is highly welcome). Assist in taking care of the little ones. Manage the school library. Continue  to  create  environmental  awareness  (encourage  kids  to  use bins, collect rubber).

Volunteer requirements/Skills: Have Interest in very young children. Be patient and tolerant. Be able to work as part of a team. Have good knowledge of the English language. Have creative ideas for leisure activities for the kids

Location: The school is located in Tanoso, Kumasi in the Ashanti region.

Host Situation: The project provides accommodation for the volunteers. Volunteers must also bear in mind that they would be sharing a room with other volunteers. The project in collaboration with ICYE GHANA will make provision for their feeding during the volunteers stay in Ghana.

Experience Ghana – The Light House Mission School

Light House Mission, Ghana
Light House Mission, Ghana

The Light House Mission School is a place provided for academic excellence in education and support to all children so that they can learn and develop a better future and achieve their dreams. Volunteers will assist with teaching Aids for Crèche, Nursery and Kindergarten (e.g. Numbers/Alphabet/Music). They will assist the teachers in the preparation for classes and caring for the children. They can help with organizing sports activities, help to prepare the snacks, help in tidying up the compound and participate in the school program. The volunteers will as well help by supporting students with special needs or those who need special attention. These are some of the main tasks. The school is in Offinso, in the Ashanti Region.

Volunteer requirements/Skills: The volunteer should be able to speak English (and/or French), be motivated to work with children, be creative, friendly and spontaneous. Having musical talent is more than welcome.

Volunteer’s working time: Mostly from Monday to Friday. Working hours are between 20 and 40 hours a week.

Host situation (board and lodging): Host family

ICYE Ghana bietet ein paar Einsatzstellen für Mittelzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du in der