
Experience | 8-20 Wochen | Afrika
Eva Leitner, Kenia
Eva Leitner, Kenia

Kenia ist eine Republik im Osten Afrikas. Das Land hat eine Fläche von 582,644 km² und ist damit etwas größer als Frankreich. Die Hauptstadt ist Nairobi. In Kenia leben 53 Mio. Menschen, davon ca. 4,4 Mio. in Nairobi. Kenia ist kulturell und ethnisch sehr heterogen und bunt. Englisch, Kiswahili und über 30 weitere Sprachen werden hier gesprochen.
Unsere Partnerorganisation ist CIVS (Center for International Voluntary Service) Kenia mit Sitz in Nairobi. CIVS ist ein Verein, der vor allem in marginalisierten und von Armut betroffenen ländlichen Regionen Kenias tätig ist.

  • Programmdauer: 2-5 Monate
  • Teilnahmebeitrag (auch für 50 Plus-Experience): 2 Monate € 1325,-; je weiteren Monat € 300,-
  • Teilnahmebeitrag Medizinpraktikum : 2 Monate € 1375,-; je weiteren Monat € 350,-
  • Anreiseinfos: Anreisetermin zu Monatsbeginn (1. Montag des Monats). Abholung ist inkludiert. Die este 3 Tage - Einführung.
  • Anmeldung: mind. 2-3 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Kenia

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Englisch, Sport und andere Fächer an öffentlichen Schulen unterrichten, Lehrer:innen assistieren, Nachhilfe geben und Freizeit gestalten; Mithilfe in Waisenheimen.
Tarek Farwat, Kenia
Tarek Farwat, Kenia
  • Umwelt- und Tierschutz: Arbeit im Bereich Ökotourismus, Projektmanagement im Kaya Kinodu Ecotourism-Projekt.
Umwelt, Kenia
Umwelt, Kenia
  • Gesundheit: Unterstützung des medizinischen Personals in Krankenhäusern bei Aufklärungsmaßnahmen (HIV) und anderen Aufgaben.
Gesundheit, Kenia
Gesundheit, Kenia
  • Soziales und Inklusion: Arbeit mit Kindern und Erwachsenen mit Behinderungen.
Inklusion, Kenia
Inklusion, Kenia
  • Community, Kunst, Kultur und NGOs Arbeit mit der Gemeinde sowie Unterstützung im Büro von CIVS.
Community, Kenia
Community, Kenia

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Experience Kenia – Community und NGOs: CIVS Community Service

Eva Leitner, Kenia
Eva Leitner, Kenia

CIVS Kenya is a community development organization that works with communities in the marginalized and poverty-stricken rural areas of Kenya. We do this with the main objective of contributing towards the socio-economic empowerment of disadvantaged communities and fostering harmonious relations among people of different backgrounds with innovative and customized high-quality services. We believe that people should retain the responsibility for their own development while CIVS supports guides and mentors their efforts with innovative and customized high-quality services. We are looking for volunteers to support our head office in Nairobi. Depending on your skills and area of interest, you can help us to improve our work.

Location: The CIVS Office is located in Buruburu phase 2 estate, Nairobi County of Kenya.

Volunteer Activities:

  • Website Content Maintenance
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Assisting in volunteer support activities like orientation, city tours, airport transfers etc.
  • Conducting online research for potential volunteers’ sending organizations in Europe and solicit help solicit them for partnership.
  • Brainstorming ideas aboard to help improve the general operations and services of CIVS organization to improve competency with other related organizations.

Accommodation and Food:The volunteer will live in a host family near the office where they will get breakfast and dinner. The office will provide tea and a snack during the day. Traveling to projects and fieldwork will require the use of a public bus and the volunteer is required to cover his/her own travel costs.

Experience Kenia – Kinderbetreuung: Michael Day Care and Rescue Center

Kinderprojekt, Kenia
Kinderprojekt, Kenia

Established in 2013, St. Michaels Day Care and Rescue Centre is an institution for the preschool aged children and young girls who have been rescued from streets of Ukunda. Many of the parents find themselves away from their homes the entire day in the quest for food, water and work and are not able to afford to pay house helps to take care of their children while they are at their work places. The centre takes care of children whose parents have low-income jobs or are unemployed most of whom have semi-permanent jobs. The centre also supports young girls who have been left homeless and abandoned by their families. While they are away searching for semi-permanent jobs, the project provides a safe place for their small children by providing meals and basic education. Since the target group is quite poor and due to the scarcity of foodstuffs, many of the children at the center find their only meal of the day there.

Location: This project is located in Ukunda District, Kwale County.

Volunteer Activities: Assisting in the preparation of meals and feeding of the children, developing age appropriate sports activities to promote the physical health of the children, developing in- and outdoor extra-curricular activities to develop the creativity of the children, assisting in teaching children basics of language, speaking, writing, etc.

Accommodation and Food: The volunteer will stay in a host family within the project site. The host family will provide meals.

CIVS Kenia bietet 24 Einsatzstellen für Mittelzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du als Download anbei.