
Experience | 8-20 Wochen | Asien
Sofia Puleo, Thailand
Sofia Puleo, Thailand

Thailand ist ein Staat in Südostasien und noch eine konstitutionelle Monarchie (König: Maha Vajiralongkorn). Die Hauptstadt ist Bangkok, Amtssprache ist Thai. In Thailand leben ca. 72 Mio. Menschen, von denen 94 % Buddhist_innen sind. Volunteer Spirit Association (VSA Thailand) ist eine gemeinnützige Friedensorganisation für Menschen aller Altersgruppen, Kulturen und Religionen. Sie wurde 2008 gegründet, ist eine Mitgliedsorganisation von CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) und Partnerorganisation von Alliance (Alliance for European Voluntary Service Organisations).

  • Programmdauer: 2-5 Monate
  • Teilnahmebeitrag: € 685,- einmalig (Grenzenlos-Programmgebühr) plus die Programmgebühr der Partnerorganisation:
  • 1 Monat Bhat 20.000,-; je weiteren Monat Bhat 20.000-, Bhat (ca. € 520,- je nach Wechselkurs). Bareinzahlung der Partnerorganisation-Programmgebühr tätigst Du vor Ort nach der Anreise oder durch Überweisung (Paypal)
  • Zusätzliche Infos: Volunteers werden nicht vom Flughafen abgeholt. Du bekommst genaue Infos, wie Du zum VSA-Haus kommst.
  • Anmeldung: mind. 2-3 Monate vor Abreise
  • Grenzenlos Landesprofil Thailand
  • National Profile Thailand

Beteilige Dich an Projekten im Bereich:

  • Bildung und soziale Tätigkeiten mit Kindern/Jugendlichen: Englisch unterrichten und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen.
Anna Ortner, Thailand
Anna Ortner, Thailand
  • Community, Kunst, Kultur und NGOs: Community-Projekte als Ko¬ope¬rationen gemeinnütziger Initiativen aller Art, NGO-Arbeit bei VSA (Multimedia-Projekte).
VSA, Thailand
VSA, Thailand
  • Umweltschutz und Landwirtschaft: Landwirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten, Arbeit auf einer Farmer die Wichtigkeit ihres Tuns erwirbst.
VSA, Thailand
VSA, Thailand

Hier findest Du ein paar Projektbeschreibungen:

Experience Thailand – Öko-Farm: Farm Stay

Anna Ortner, Thailand
Anna Ortner, Thailand

Farm Stay – Songkhla is a project that collaborates with Suan Plak Waa Farm in Songkhla, Thailand. Suan Plak Waa is an organic farm. It has been created around the local family’s house by a family in Songkhla, Thailand. The farm is kind of sufficiency economic, feeding the animals cow, pig, and chicken, fish, etc., and plant several vegetables for the food. They grow many vegetables to eat for themselves, they feed the animals to cook for the food for themselves. When they have enough for cooking in their family they can sell them at the local market to make an income for a small family.  The world’s food problem has been growing, so VSA Thailand recognizes that making one’s own food is important in the 22nd century. We found that organic farm networks have been running as the small organic farms in their family. We come up with the idea to support them with our volunteers’ hands and to eat fresh food from the farm that said: “We grow what we eat, we eat what we grow”. Moreover, volunteers will learn to share various planting ways between Asia and Western styles. VSA Thailand and Suan Plak Waa have been working as partners since 2017. We start to send international volunteers step by step. We hope, someday, Suan Plak Waa Organic Farm will become the international learning organic center for people around the world to adapt to daily life.

Location: Suan Plak Waa Farm, Songkhla

Work: The volunteers will work on the farm with the host family. The volunteers learn and share at the organic farm through the local agriculture philosophy.
• Volunteers will help them to prepare soils, plant and take care of plants by water. They will also eat organic vegetables from an organic farm.
• Volunteers will help them to take care of the animals, such as cow, pig, and chicken, at the animal’s farm, and make the biogas by the dung of animals on the farm.
• Volunteers can learn and help them to make a shampoo and soap by the local wisdom.

Accommodation and Food: The volunteer will stay with a local host family. Nature environment, basic and simple. Mattress, pillow, and fan are provided. Thai toilet and bath. Volunteers expect to eat Thai food. A local host family will prepare the food for the volunteer.

Experience Thailand – Kulturprojekt: Intercultural and Language

VSA, Thailand
VSA, Thailand

Intercultural and Language (ICL) – Songkhla, learning and sharing the intercultural and language still are the main purpose. The volunteers can share and learn culture, language, and knowledge with the local community and children in school. Also, the volunteers will know more about Thailand during their work in the local community. Nowadays, English as the global language and intercultural learning are important for local Thai people, especially for Thailand as a tourism country. After the project was created by VSA Thailand, it has been successful for seven years. Great volunteers came to give the opportunity for children in schools where they are in the poor local community. Many local people can improve their English skills through a group by a group of volunteers, or at least they try to speak more in English language.

Location: Songklha

Work: Volunteers are expected to work as English teachers in the primary school. They can prepare their lesson by themselves, but the teacher at the school can give the advice (do not expect this point too much, because the teachers are also shy to speak out).

Creative teaching English – Creative teaching is important to recognize; teaching certificate does not need for specific quality of volunteer but creative is the one of yours. Aims of creative teaching are giving the chance for students in the school or the place nearby to have the opportunity to communicate with different languages, touch different cultures, and believe.

Teaching activity is that the volunteer would do the activities based on intercultural and language with games, songs, storytelling, and dancing. Also, it should focus on communication, listening and speaking.

Accommodation and Food: The volunteer will stay with a local host family. Nature environment, basic and simple. Mattress, pillow, and fan are provided. Thai toilet and bath. Volunteers expect to eat Thai food. The local host family will prepare the food for the volunteer.

Es gibt 15 weitere spannende Projekte in den Bereichen Bildung, Kultur, Soziales, Umwelt, Renovierung und Landwirtschaft. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest Du als Download anbei.