Vietnam ist ein Staat in Südostasien. Er grenzt an China, Laos, Kambodscha, den Golf von Thailand und das Südchinesische Meer. Die Hauptstadt ist Hanoi. Die Einwohnerzahl liegt bei ca. 97 Mio., wovon 6,5 Mio. auf Hanoi und 7,9 Mio. auf Ho-Chi-Minh Stadt entfallen. Es gibt sowohl Einsatzstellen im Norden als auch im Süden Vietnams. ICYE Vietnam startete 2006, die Partnerorganisation heißt Volunteers for Peace Vietnam. 2011 wurde sie Mitglied des ICYE-Netzwerks. Es gibt ein Büro in Nordvietnam (Hanoi) und eines in Südvietnam (Ho-Chi-Minh).
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Discover Vietnam – Inklusion: Phuc Tue Center für Kinder und Jugendliche
The Phuc Tue Caring Center is a non-profit, non-government day care organization based in Hanoi that takes care of mentally and physically impaired children. The Center was established in June 2001. There are now 2 centers around Hanoi that provide care and education for approx 50 children and young people (aged 2 to 22yrs old) who are suffering from the effects of agent orange, autism, Down syndrome and Japanese encephalitis. The Centre’s aim is to look after these children and help to integrate them into society.
The aim of the program is to jointly bring care, love and happiness to the children through volunteers’ activities.
Volunteer tasks:
- Caring for and playing with disabled children
- Helping the children eat during lunch time
- Calling for charity or subscription (depends on volunteers)
- Charity campaigns for books, old clothes, old shoes for the children (depends on volunteers)
Volunteer requirements/Skills: volunteers should like to work with handicapped children as well as have maturity and initiative spirit.
- At least 18 years old
- Open-minded and sociable
- Willing to learn about different culture and adapt to different working style
Location: Phuc Tue center is situated in Tay Ho district in north west Hanoi, close to West Lake – the largest lake in Hanoi. This is a very lively and convenient area.
Volunteer’s working time: Volunteers will work from 8.30 am to 4 pm (Mon – Fri) with a lunch break from 11 am to 2 pm. You can have lunch at the center with the staff or eat out; there are a lot of street restaurants around.
Host situation (board and lodging): Volunteers will stay in a dormitory with rooms shared with other volunteers. Living conditions will be Vietnamese standard with a shared bathroom and a shared bedroom with bunk-beds. Mattress, blanket, pillow and mosquito net are provided.
Food will be provided at accommodation. Meals will be mostly local food, which vary from the daily cooking schedule.Travel to work from volunteer accommodation takes about 1 hour by bus.
Discover Vietnam – Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche: Nguyen Tat Thanh School (English teaching)
The aim of the program is to provide English language speaking environment for pupils to practice and improve their confidence in using a foreign language in communication. At the same time, with the support of the international volunteers, the local teachers can improve their speaking skills and get to understand more about the language that they are teaching.
Volunteer Tasks: Upon request of teachers, volunteers run the activities in the class. They are asked to help students develop speaking and listening skills. Vietnamese schools traditionally favor ‘passive learning’ – the teacher standing in front and lecturing. This does not help students to gain confidence in speaking. The pronunciation of the English teachers is not excellent so the children have little opportunity to hear English as it is really spoken. Moreover, the English level of the students is very different. Some are very outstanding in terms of pronunciation and performances meanwhile some are very shy to speak it. Volunteers can think about games or interactive activities to let all students get involved in the lessons.
Volunteer requirements/Skills:
- Like to work with children and students
- Be mature and have an initiative spirit
- Be able to work independently in the classroom
- Be fluent in English
- At least 18 years old
- Be open-minded and sociable
- Be willing to learn more about the country and adapt to the working style in Vietnam
Volunteer’s working time: Each class has one Vietnamese English teacher with 25 to 40 students, depending on the class. Each period lasts for 45 minutes. The volunteer participates in different classes per day, working from Monday to Friday. The general timeframe at school is from 7:50 to 17:20. The lunch break is between 11:15 and 1:05 o’clock. Depending on the schedule, the volunteer has different beginning and ending time.
Location: The school is located in Cau Giay District, Hanoi which is about 8 km away from Old Quater (city center). It is a very lively and convenient area.
Host situation (board and lodging): Volunteers will stay in a dormitory with rooms shared with other volunteers. Living conditions will be Vietnamese standard with a shared bathroom and a shared bedroom with bunk-beds. Mattress, blanket, pillow and mosquito net are provided. Food will be provided at accommodation. Meals will be mostly local food, which vary from the daily cooking schedule. Volunteers, especially those who are vegetarian, may be required to do some cooking by themselves. During working days food is provided by the host placement. Travel to work from the accommodation takes about 20 minutes on foot.
ICYE Vietnam bietet ca. 13 Einsatzstellen im Norden und im Süden Vietnams für Mittel- und Kurzzeitaufenthalte an. Weitere Projektbeschreibungen findest du in der